The Delaware Tribe of Indians, sometimes called the EasternDelaware, based in Bartlesville, Oklahoma is one of three federally recognized tribes of Delaware Indians in the United States, along with the Delaware Nation based in Anadarko, Oklahoma and the Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Wisconsin.

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Stories passed down through the generations state that my great great grandmother was a Delaware. I believe she was since I feel a strong connection to Native Americans and their beliefs, customs,and traditions. I have chosen my sacred rock and taken it to the waters as my ancestors did generations ago.A majority of Delaware Indians are Native Americans that love the land and are proud of their ancestry.
I am blessed To walk the grounds that many Delaware, Lenni Lenape once called home...Kreidersville, Pennsylvania along the Hokendauqua"Creek. Hokendauqua(Hachiundochure)"means "searching for food".The walkers of the Walking Purchase were said to have spent their first night at the Hockendauqua Creek. The village was called "Hockyondocquay". As I walk along the banks of the Creek and swim in its mystifying waters I feel a connection to the spirits of our ancestors,the Delaware. Why am I here enjoying their lands when so many Delaware aren't?
I suppose to be their voice sharing their story. Most present day Delaware appreciate being addressed as Native Americans.
____________________________________________________________________________Author's Acknowledgments Thanks to my Delaware ancestors...especially my grandmother who passed along facts of our Delaware ancestors & those who inspired me to write Delaware Indians.com & my great grandfathers for falling in love with and marrying a Delaware Indian.May your kind spirit live on through this website.My research has taken me on many journeys, via the folks I've assisted via emails to Delaware Indians.com. I hope you learn valuable lessons with each visit to Delaware Indians.Delaware Indians are Native Americans that love the land and are proud of their ancestry. I would like to share historical facts passed down through the generations pertaining to these great people.